: exhibiting less than an expected degree of maturity. Learning Punjabi vocabulary for family (Parivāra in Punjabi) will help you achieve your goals. Speaker has an accent from Southern England. , consenting to medical care. Meaning of mature. maturity. Listen to the audio pronunciation in English. adjective. (finance, loan: end) λήγω ρ αμ. mature vi. and those. mea. riper; ripest. How to properly pronounce mature? mature Pronunciation məˈtʊər, -ˈtyʊər, -ˈtʃʊər, -ˈtʃɜr ma·ture Here are all the possible pronunciations of the word mature. mea. UK /məˈtʃʊər/. Patterns. Mature 释义: When a child or young animal matures , it becomes an adult. It happens more with particular combinations, like when you say 'Got you' (to mean 'I understand', or 'I've caught you out'), you have to say gotcha (also spelt gotcher). Difficult. The mother of a Zimbabwean 15-year. Patterns. Harvesting mature crops leaves the field open for planting still others. Competitors agree that this is the case for mature technologies like negative plates. having reached full natural growth or development. Yet despite the amount of independence they have immediately after hatching,. Below is the UK transcription for 'mature': Modern IPA: məʧʉ́ː ; Traditional IPA: məˈʧʊə; 2 syllables: "muh" + "CHOOR" Test your pronunciation on words that have sound similarities with 'mature': matures; manure; maturing; miniature; make sure; mateer; maturity; melchior; missouri; mucha; musher; monsieur; michie; minier; mishler. Pronunciation definition, the act or result of producing the sounds of speech, including articulation, stress, and intonation, often with reference to some standard of correctness or acceptability: They are arguing about the pronunciation of “forte” again. You'll be able to mark your mistakes quite easily. Learn how to pronounce Mature in English with video, audio, and syllable-by-syllable spelling from the United States and the United Kingdom. mature vi (become mature, ripe)13 When contemplating marriage, it is important to have a mature understanding of all that is involved. Mature. 0 (Ubuntu)Synonyms for MATURE: matured, ripe, adult, older, ripened, aged, aging, full-blown; Antonyms of MATURE: young, youthful, immature, juvenile, green, adolescent, unripe, burgeoningmature f pl. vatican. Samantha. Browse the use examples 'mature development environment' in the great English corpus. Browse the use examples 'mature cells' in the great English corpus. Check out the pronunciation, synonyms and grammar. Uchuu. Learn the definition of 'mature cells'. mature definicja: 1. vocative masculine singular of mātūrus; Adverb . English with Collins Dictionary. adjective. va. Speaker has an accent from Wiltshire, England. US English. ted2019. Society has started to take a mature approach to smoking. Check out the pronunciation, synonyms and grammar. Browse the use examples 'mature fetus' in the great English corpus. i. The South is the only place where you'll try to call your "law-yer" instead of your "loyer". Cognate: 5046 téleios (an adjective, derived from 5056 /télos, "consummated goal") – mature (consummated) from going through the necessary stages to reach the end - goal, i. The girth of the chest at a mature boar waver in areas of 160-170 cm, and mature sows – 150-155 cm. the maturation conditions are defined in accordance with current practices: minimum moisture content of 90 % and temperatures ranging between 9 °C and 16 °C, the collateral has an effective maturity that fulfils the same maturity condition as that referred to in Article 72c (1) of Regulation (EU) No 575/2013; and. Synonyms of maturation. This video shows you how to pronounce MATURE in British English. EurLex-2. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more. Synonyms of amateur. Compare professional. Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examples. Check out the pronunciation, synonyms and grammar. mature adj (fully considered) 심사숙고한, 숙고한 동 : He made a mature decision that it was better to stay home. , -tur•er, -tur•est, v. Regarding wood properties, mature wood provides better strength than pulpwood whereas pulpwood has better optical qualities. A massage intended for mature skin . Less. of, relating to, forming, attached to, or resembling a skeleton… See the full definitionWhat is the opposite of mature? Need antonyms for mature? Here's a list of opposite words from our thesaurus that you can use instead. 4Further reading. Listen to the audio pronunciation in the Cambridge English Dictionary. 1 of 2 adjective. Having reached a. Learn the definition of 'Mature content'. Gosling is a specialized term for a young baby goose, typically still covered with soft, fluffy down feathers and unable to fly. Learn the definition of 'mature cataract'. premature puberty. Learn the definition of 'mature stem'. mature pronunciation with translations, sentences, synonyms, meanings, antonyms, and more. Check out the pronunciation, synonyms and grammar. Start your free trial of our courses: to our channel: of mature in the AudioEnglish. amateur in American English. The researchers defined same-sex behavior as the act of mounting because it was the most frequent — and most identifiable — form of sexual. . At about 19 to 21 days old, the duck embryos will be mature enough for. 3. c. Yes, I’m ready. and bank erosion rate is. Browse the use examples 'mature sediment' in the great English corpus. | 意思、发音、翻译及示例French Translation of “mature” | The official Collins English-French Dictionary online. a matura (third-person singular present maturează, past participle maturat) 1st. . pre· ma· ture. adj. a. Englishtainment. UN-2. Word family (noun) maturity ≠ immaturity (adjective) mature ≠ immature (verb) mature (adverb) maturely ≠ immaturely. In the case of mature streams, the drainage become more perfect. mature translate: зрелый , взрослый, зрелый , созревать , взрослеть , наступать (о сроке платежа). . mature = hi पूरा बनाना. [uncountable] the quality of thinking and behaving in a sensible, adult manner. Fred. A…。了解更多。Maturity definition: Maturity is the state of being fully developed or adult . The Dexter is a small breed with mature cows weighing between 600 and 700 lbs and mature bulls weighing about 1,000 pounds (450 kg). Match words. EurLex-2. This is the deepest and most. WikiMatrix. ParaCrawl Corpus. Gamete definition, a mature sexual reproductive cell, as a sperm or egg, that unites with another cell to form a new organism. present participle of mature 2. Check out the pronunciation, synonyms and grammar. mature vi (become mature, ripe) ينضج : The farmer will not harvest the fruit until it matures. How to say amateur. How to use nubile in a sentence. We have labeled exceptions as UK. Mature definition: When a child or young animal matures , it becomes an adult. Learn more. Learn how to say Immature with EmmaSaying free pronunciation tutorials. S. His pronunciation retains charming traces of his early years in Ireland. Watch on. a. 酒陈味醇,人老识深。 adv. having reached full natural growth or development; - Example: "a mature cell". This species is found in mature protea scrub, tangled valley thickets and forests in the mountains of the Western Cape Province. murate, mutare, muterà, tamurè; Latin Adjective . Learn more about Samples No. Conception is when a sperm fertilizes an ovum to form a viable zygote. Zira. Learn the definition of 'mature forest stand'. This video shows you how to pronounce REPRODUCTION in British English. UN-2. As Jesus said, they are “no part of the world,” and, for that reason, if they are mature Christians, they do not share the outlook of the materialistic world around them. Learn the definition of 'mature debts'. hrenWaC. Fashion is a mature product in e-commerce. pure pronunciation. Learn how to say Mature with EmmaSaying free pronunciation tutorials. matures or is matured, it develops over a period of time to produce a strong, rich taste The cheese is smoked and then left to mature. Learn the definition of 'mature'. volume_up. ma-tūr′, adj. US English. How to say pure. Learn the definition of 'Mature Humor'. Mature definition, complete in natural growth or development, as plant and animal forms: a mature rose bush. Learn the definition of 'mature fetus'. The matured products are surface treated. Learn the definition of 'mature time'. Julia. Tomato, tomahto. ˈyü ˈyō. How to say adult. ɹoʊ/. Learn more. ”. 000m2 plot, of which 5. Learn more. You'll be able to mark your mistakes quite easily. Learn the definition of 'mature generation'. WikiMatrix. mature的意思、解释及翻译:1. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more. mature - transcription, translation and pronunciation online. Definition of mature. Synonyms of. How to use mature in a sentence. Learn the definition of 'grow mature'. englishtainment-tm-TrZ9yjiw. b. f. : the female of the sheep especially when mature. #1 Meaning: People who are mature would act in a way that shows that they are well developed both mentally and emotionally. premature babies. Check out the pronunciation, synonyms and grammar. Pronunciation Dictionary - English Pronunciation of "mature". Matur′able, capable of. Definition: (of an organism) become physically. Learn more. especially : born after a gestation period of less than 37 weeks. US English. student. From Old Galician-Portuguese maduro, from Latin mātūrus, from Proto-Indo-European *meh₂- to ripen, mature. mûrement. That nouns and adjectives get different stress in English, and that nature is probably most often used as a noun while mature is probably most often used as an adjective (though both can also be verbs!) is an important point for figuring out this question. He needed to dig deep to learn their feeding and reproductive habits, how. — adj. matured definition: 1. mature. noun. Mature Definition. American English Vowels - Short And Long. He has maturity beyond his years. Browse the use examples 'mature generation' in the great English corpus. mat· u· ra· tion ˌma-chə-ˈrā-shən. adjective mature noting or pertaining to an adult who is middle-aged or older (used euphemistically): discrimination against mature. In the ganglia young nerve cells (40%) and mature nerve cells (60%) occurred side by side. Over 100,000 French translations of English words and phrases. 4. t. Match words. 301 Moved Permanently. British English: mature student / məˈtjʊə ˈstjuːdənt / NOUN. In less mature markets, exposure to international. abloom, efflorescent. Dealing with it in a mature, responsible manner. mature adj (fully grown, complete) 다 자란 : We only harvest mature plants. Your lymphocyte count can be taken during a normal blood test at your healthcare provider’s office. The house is set on a 10. How to say nature. failure pronunciation. Mature pronunciation in American English. mature synonyms, mature pronunciation, mature translation, English dictionary definition of mature. gametic.